Eddith Buis discovered art later, after hoping to be a novelist and then raising a family instead. When she did discover art she fell for it hard, devoting her life to teaching art (24 years with Omaha Public Schools and 13 with Metro Community College), making art (prints, sculptures and paintings) and leading community art projects that include the J. Doe project, five years of Gene Leahy Mall sculptures, the Lewis and Clark Icon Project, the Bench Marks project and bicycle advocacy projects.
The works in the show are etching, linoleum cut and lithographic prints, some with watercolor painting added. As Buis will tell you art should tell a story or make a statement. You will find this in her work.
There are three series of prints in this show. They are: Observations, Dreams and Irony. Observations include people she has seen in theatrical productions (G0-G0 Boys from Planet X), at the Leahy Mall in downtown Omaha (Leahy Mall Denizen) and at family gatherings (Reunion).
Images for the Dreams Series come from Buis’ dreams of both past and future events. Nancy Drew Drives Off comes from her love of reading Nancy Drew stories in her youth but also driving away from teaching art. In Woman’s Work she see older women knitting endlessly which is not what Buis had in mind for her future.
The Irony Series tell ironic stories like I Want It All that came from an image of a woman in a blue business suit, a phone to her ear, a baby in one arm and a brief case in the other with the comment “I want it all!”. A journalism student is shown in Journalism Major making fast food and Buis hopes he can have a future of a writer.