As part of its current show of his work, Galerie Erich Storrer in Zurich has published a new catalog of current works by internationally known artist Steve Joy. Gallery 72, which represents Joy, will hold a special reception for the U.S. launch of this catalog on Jan. 19, in conjunction with a show of Joy’s new works, which will run from Jan. 13 through Feb. 4.
“Joy seems to be approaching his method of working in a way similar to the way Picasso analyzed, then demolished, the familiar forms of western art,” Karen Emenhiser Harris wrote for the catalog “Steve Joy,” published by Galerie Erich Storrer. “The materials remain the same, but the underlying structure of the image is reimagined, this time in tune with a 21st-century world order.”
Collectors appreciate Joy’s strong use of colors, geometric shape, variety of styles, variation in sizes and themes. His paintings become mixed media with the inclusion of gold and silver foils, waxes, inks and varnishes with traditional paints. His drawings, or works based on paper, which include many of the elements of his paintings, are often less complex in design but have luxurious texture to their surfaces.