Dreams | Identity | Alive | Human : UNL MFA Printmaking

May 12 - June 3, 2017

Opening Reception: Friday, May 12, 2017 5:00 to 9:00 PM

Professors of Fine Art Karen Kunc and Francisco Souto are the driving forces behind the internationally recognized Master of Fine Art in printmaking program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  Because of their energy and strong teaching methods they draw in the best of Masters of Fine Art students and then let them fine their best methods of expressing themselves and creating their artwork.  This show illustrates, highlights, how this produces some of the best art students and their best work.  It is a snapshot of the four current MFA print making students: 

Stephanie Wright:  Printmaking

Kyle Nobles:  Printmaking, drawing

Pecos Pryor:  Printmaking, drawing

Nicholas Sheldon:  Printmaking