Farewell Series / #1: Artists Bowling, Buck and Wilkinson

December 14 - December 29, 2018

Opening Reception: Friday, December 14, 2018 5:00 to 9:00 PM

Gallery 72 is undergoing major changes and is presenting this show, as well as the next several, to help facilitate these changes.  Essentially Gallery 72 will be closing and then a new gallery will be opened that is focused on fine art prints and fine crafts and is run by a non-profit 501c3 company that does not charge artists a commission.  Funds generated from these sales will help the beginning of the new gallery. 

The artworks in these shows will have unusually high discounts, up to 60%, for a limited time.

First Three Artists.

Gary Bowling is one of the best members of the heartland school of landscape painters.  His paintings are superb explorations of light, atmosphere, terrain and subtle and bold colors in Midwest landscapes.  He uses sizes from small to large to present and focus on the important details and grandeur of our world.

John Buck is well known for his monumental woodblock prints. An artist who is fascinated by the cultural imagery surrounding his two homes in Bozeman, Montana, and in Hawaii, current events, popular culture, and the irony inherent in world history. His collected visual vocabulary weaves through his fine art prints.

Shea Wilkinson, a Nebraska native, uses free motion quilting to create images from nature, myths and indigenous tales.  All of her quilted artworks are hand created using a variety of fabrics and threads.  Wilkinson has shown her works internationally and won numerous awards.