Farewell Series / #4: Artists Day, Hlazatova, Resnick and Thein

February 15 - March 2, 2019

Opening Reception: Friday, February 15, 2019 5:00 to 9:00 PM

Farewell Series _ _4_ Artists Day_ Hlazatova_ Res

Gallery 72 is undergoing major changes and is presenting this show to help facilitate these changes.  Essentially Gallery 72 will be closing and then a new gallery will be opened that is focused on fine art prints and fine crafts.

Many of the artworks included in this series of shows will be offered at a discount with selected artworks discounted as high as 60%.  These discounts are for a limited time.


Gary Day, prior to retiring from UNO, was a very active print maker, instructor and part of the nationally known UNO print workshop.  His traditional fine art printing methods were lithography and relief woodcuts which will be feature.  This will be an opportunity to acquire Gary Day prints that are not generally available.

Jane Goldman’s media include watercolor, oil, intaglio, lithography, relief, screenprint, digital prints and terrazzo. "Lyrical realism," based on a combination of free association and direct observation, best describes her style.  In this special show will be new fine art print work.

Daria Hlazatova is an artist and illustrator based in Ukraine, whose passion lies in drawing and creating handmade collages. Fairy tales and nature often inspire her drawings.  She has had several at Gallery 72 and other Omaha area venues.

Bob Nugent, born in Santa Monica, California, received a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of California, Santa Barbara and is a professor of art at Sonoma State University, CA.  His works in this special show is a suite of lithographs published at Landfall Press.  Nugent’s works express a love and appreciation for nature and the environment.

Minna Resnick lives in Ithaca, NY, has been making works on paper, both drawings and fine art prints, for over 40 years.  She is one of a few artists that has her own press to create lithographs.  She travels the world to make art with a number of different print makers and artist.  We will present a very wide array of her artworks for this special show.  She has a commission to provide artwork for the renovated Blackstone Hotel in Omaha.

Jenny Robinson, from London, England, had a studio in San Francisco for many years until she recently moved to Ljubljana in Slovenia.  Her fine art print work in this special show reflects and builds on her own visual experience of the constant cycle of demolition and redevelopment around her.  She was a visiting artist for Karen Kunc, professor of print making at UNL.

Jeanette Pasin Sloan makes paintings, drawings, and prints that display technical feats of virtuosity. The artist uses a photo-realistic style to depict reflective objects set against patterned backgrounds. Closely-cropped, and set in carefully manipulated compositions, the subject matter of Pasin Sloan’s work takes second stage to its formal intensity.  Her work is owned by area collectors.

John Thein retired as an associate professor in drawing, painting and fine art print making in the Fine Art Department at Creighton University.  He received his M.A. and M.F.A. in Printmaking from the University of Iowa.  We will have his water color paintings and fine art prints for this special show.

Sara Timberlake has the background to be a poet, a sculptor, a photographer and a painter.  She started her art career as a photographer and sculpture but transformed to painting to allow her to more quickly express her thoughts and ideas.  She has been in the Bemis events and collected by area patrons.  She will have her abstract/representational work in this show.